Register So Far
About the Register
The Australian Polio Register was established by Polio Australia in 2010 to gather information on the number of polio survivors living in Australia today. There are currently 3919 entries on the Register.

Register Online_400x259
Add Your Details Today!
Polio Australia encourages every polio survivor living in Australia (regardless of the country where you contracted polio) to add your details to the Australian Polio Register.

Register Entries
Explore All Entries To Date
The publishable data in the Register can be browsed in various ways - by family name, maiden name, given names, birth year, polio year, polio age, or polio location.

Polio Register Statistics
Polio Register Statistics
View the available statistical data (derived from the current total registrations received), including charts and maps displaying when and where polio was contracted.

About Polio
Poliomyelitis is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. Polio survivors are now experiencing the “Late Effects of Polio”.

About Polio Australia
About Polio Australia
Polio Australia is committed to standardising quality polio information and service provision across Australia for polio survivors because "We're Still Here!".

Still Here
Polio Australia Website
The Polio Australia website showcases the depth and breadth of our services. The site contains diverse and unique resources for polio survivors, their families and friends.

Diagnosis and Management
Polio Health Website
The Polio Health website provides a range of resources to health professionals across disciplines in the diagnosis, treatment and management of the late effects of polio.

2016 Post-Polio Conference
The first ever Australasia-Pacific Post-Polio Conference, Polio: Life Stage Matters, to be held in Sydney in September 2016 will facilitate better care for polio survivors.